
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Low Carb High Fat, Soy-Free, Sugar-Free, Vegan-curious, Vegetarian-curious, Primal/Paleo/Keto-curious, Grain-Free with Dairy-free options Diet

I know I've written a lot in the last 24 hours, but something has come to my mind.

On the topic of healthy eating (and for PCOS) I think I can combine ALL of my eating habits (even the curious ones, namely Vegan) by adapting certain recipes and testing out/incorporate certain products.

The only thing I can call it is: "Low Carb High Fat, Soy-Free, Sugar-Free, Vegan-curious, Vegetarian-curious, Primal/Paleo/Keto-curious, Grain-Free with Dairy-free options" diet.

I'll incorporate some Vegan substitutes to cut down on some of the dairy, with the option to use real cheeses when there isn't a Vegan option (for something like Feta). These dairy-free options will also be soy-free.

There will be days that I use real butter, cream, cheese and eggs. There will be days that I eat meat and fish. There will be veggie days.

What I want out of this experience is to be able to explore new foods, flavors and textures. I want to be able to expand my culinary "skills". If I can incorporate healthier non-processed options, I feel that would be most beneficial for me.

I plan on keeping everyone in the loop and if I have any recipes to share I will post them here and on my PCOS blog.

When it comes to ANY type of recipe, I love simple. If there's minimal cooking, preparation and ingredients then I'm one happy momma. I'm not going to fuss with a bunch of fancy ingredients or anything. If I feature any recipes for Vegan, Soy-Free and Dairy-Free sauces/dishes, I'm gonna keep it pretty easy. Basically, if it sounds complicated, I'm clicking next.

So add that to my challenge. Minimal. Simple. Fresh. Raw. Low Carb High Fat. Soy-Free. Sugar-Free. Vegan-curious. Vegetarian-curious. Primal/Paleo/Keto-curious. Grain-Free with Dairy-Free options and some animal products. Basically a little bit of everything. I may even try some barley or quinoa once a month.

Let's hope I can keep it exciting!

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