
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Beauty in it

I guess you can say (or rather, I can admit) I have had a slow start with this whole "Natural" thing. I've recently had some medical issues to attend to and it's been more of a distraction for me through a lot of it, but it is something that I am seriously taking into consideration. I'll have to really sit down and write out every part of my daily routine - create a new routine and include new methods/products and in a way "wing it".

No one is perfect and I will never claim to be anything of that sort. I just have honestly been extremely unhappy with certain products that I've used for months or years. It happens. I believe many of us have been in that boat. But I'm jumping onto a new boat and it can be a bit overwhelming, so I am taking things slow.
Mainly, because financially I can't just dump everything and start fresh ASAP. It just can't happen like that.
I'm a list person. I like to write things out on paper and make a bunch of notes that don't always make sense if you were to just glance at it, but to me it does. And I have to go about it one thing at a time.

I've also been doing a lot of thinking. I made a decent list of products I am interested in coming up with a better alternative to...but the one thing I didn't touch base on is make-up.

Now, at the time I started this blog... I wasn't completely into make-up. I have a few products. Many of which are old and need replaced (more than likely by a different brand because chances are..I'm not happy with what I was using). I'm still not entirely into make-up, but the spark of curiosity is almost always there. I blame YouTube. But I also thank YouTube because I've been introduced (and in some cases my eyes were opened and I was re-introduced) to some make-up brands that are Cruelty-free.

So my goal in life is to have a bunch of go-to Natural remedies/products/methods that will replace the old and also add in Cruelty-free make-up brands/products into the mix. Now many of the make-up brands I have access to and can afford are not "Natural" products. That's kind of a sacrifice I'm making - if the products aren't tested on animals, it is a step in the right direction.

There are some products I have that are from brands that I had no idea tested on animals, some that are not expired and are still usable. I'll use them until they are gone, but I won't repurchase them (or anything else from that brand).

If a product line (brand) claims to be Vegan, that is a step in the more Natural direction. But for now, I'll see what products I can find/afford/enjoy and go from there.

Strange, I would be willing to put these products on my face when they aren't completely Natural?
Hmm, yeah.. The products I'm mainly unhappy with are the ones that are supposed to soak in to your body and have a purpose - topical or somewhat ingested. Like toothpaste, deodorants...those types of things. Things that I'm not going to be washing off, but instead what I'm using to wash it off - if that made any sense.

Now, I have no problem with Vegans or Vegetarians. I think those people are very inspiring. I also think that is another post all together. But, I am growing as a person and still learning about my body (remember, medical issues - some I am comfortable discussing the basics of) and who knows where I will be in my journey a year from now.

I think that is the beauty about life. Many of us have freedoms. Freedom to make these choices. The opportunities to grow and learn and try out different ways to live and survive. We are human and we will make mistakes. But we shouldn't judge so harshly.

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